Andean Forum for Diversity and Pluralism


2001-02-22 00:00:00


In the Andean region, racism is as wide spread as it is unpunished.
It is expressed as much in daily social relationships as in the
structural breach that segregates Afro-Andean and indigenous peoples
participation in political, social and economic processes, and
furthermore, in education, access to employment, and access to social
services are inaccessible privileges for the majority of these people.

The discriminatory manifestations of racism are explicit in their
relationship to development and self- development options. The
limited proposals directed by institutions responsible towards
discriminated peoples and sectors are made without their consultation
and, invariably, without consideration for their options, ways of
life, or cosmovisions.

Despite the fact that the Andean sub-region is multiethnic par
excellence, institutions continue to follow foreign standards. One
notorious example is formal education: monolingual and distant from
the history, culture and knowledge of the diverse peoples that
comprise the region.

This can be extended to all ancestral knowledge and cultural
manifestations that are devalued and, in certain cases, sanctioned.

Even more notorious is the open rejection of forms of self-
governance, autonomous proposals, recognition of territories, access
to natural resources and goods, among other examples.

The destruction of the environment, which benefits the market, goes
ahead without any consideration for indigenous and Afro- Andean
territories, settlements, and populations.

Even those countries that include non-discriminatory principles in
their constitutions, lack appropriate mechanisms to make these viable.
Most legislation maintains racist criteria, which are complemented by
social, media and cultural practices.

These discriminatory situations fuel endoracism, the lack of union
between indigenous peoples and peoples of African descent, the lack of
coordinating spaces with other marginalized groups, which permit
construction of a collective self esteem based in the value of


- Multiculturalism and plurinationalism

- Unity in diversity

- The right to differences as peoples and nationalities

- The right to equality as individuals and the right to equity in


- To encourage free access policies in higher education, regardless of
ethnic, religious, economic or political origin.

- To generate public policies that permit further development of Black
and indigenous communities.

- To reinforce cultural identity among Afro- Andean and indigenous

- That all ethnic minorities participate in allied work, respecting
differences in order to demand this of others.

- To create alternative communication programs.

- To urge governments to include Afro- Andean and indigenous people in
their national census so that we are visible in every country.

- To urge governments to penalize the crime of racism.

- To request the inclusion of black populations in poverty indicators
so that development policies can be adopted.

- To implement policies of equity that guarantee interculturalism in
public spaces (employees).

- To recommend to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund,
etc., that they generate policies directed at vulnerable sectors
(indigenous peoples and Blacks).

- To demand that Government generate public policies in which programs
are developed to better the living conditions of indigenous and Afro-
Andean peoples.

- To demand cultural development policies.

- To demand the right to political participation and representation in
all branches of power (Executive, Legislative, Judicial).

- The State should promote the political and religious self-
determination of indigenous and Afro- Andean peoples.

- To seek policies which punish the popular media for inciting racism
(programs, phrases, etc.)

- To create policies that legitimate alternative forms of

- To urge Government to include indigenous and Afro- Andean peoples in
its policies.

- To establish economic compensation for the sectors which have been
affected by racism and exclusion.

- To implement a policy of fair and representative employment
opportunities (multiculturalism).

- To include in multiethnic and pluricultural principles in

- To demand that State reports be revised by indigenous peoples and
Blacks before being sent to the United Nations.

- To demand that space be made in media to make known ethnic and
cultural diversity, and legitimize their own media.

- To demand the right to political and governmental representation for
indigenous peoples and afro- Andeans.

- To demand that within the 50% of women's participation in political
administrative spaces, a proportional percentage of Black and
indigenous women be included.

- To demand the application of territorial rights.

- To create departments of afro and indigenous affairs.

- Special legislation for border communities.

- To demand ethno- education.

- The application of Collective Rights.

- To demand favorable legislation that permits compliance with
international norms.