UNEGRO's Document for III World Conference Against to Racism

2001-09-14 00:00:00

The Black´s Union for Equality UNEGRO, a Brazilian non
governmental organization, credential to participate of
III WCAR, and active participant of the process red tape
for this event, declares its public position how much to
this event:

UNEGRO repudiates the thread of the United States of
America and the European countries allies against the
repairings to the african peoples, pled for the African
nations by means of the pardon of the external debt;

UNEGRO defends the establishment of politics of
affirmative action in all the nations as part of one
global politics of combat the inequalities;

UNEGRO defends that III Conference deeply debates the
current process of globalization, visa for us as the main
cause of the social exclusion and the new outbreak of the

UNEGRO defends that all treat and the conventions
directed to the combat to racism are ratified by the
state-members of the ONU and that the actions are
monitored that the nations implement to make to
invigorate such treat ones fully;

UNEGRO defends that the right to the education is dealt
with as a right basic to the person human being and
guaranteed to all the children the world, independent of
its legal condition or its familiar ones;

UNEGRO defends measured international of combat to the
traffic of people, in special of women for prostitution;

UNEGRO defends measured international of combat to the
international traffic of weapons as form of for one is
enough in the incitement to the armed conflicts made by
on sectors to the industry of armaments;

UNEGRO defends specific politics of social inclusion of
the children, adolescents, young and women in situation
of risk with bracket of the multilateral organisms;

UNEGRO defends measured of combat to the religious
intolerance, in special that one that if it directs
against the religions of African array;

UNEGRO defends the right of the nations to implement
public politics of prevention and combat to the AIDS,
independent of eventual treated international to commerce
and respect to the patents;

UNEGRO defends that the Nazism and all the xenofobies
manifestations are defined by the Union Nations as
injure-humanity crimes and, therefore, citizens the
international sanctions.