for Social and Environmental Justice in defence of the commons, against the commodification of life

Final declaration People’s Summit “at Rio+20”

2012-07-25 00:00:00

1 Final declaration
2 Summary of the plenaries
2.1 Plenary 1 – Rights, Social and Environmental Justice
2.2 Plenary 2 – In defense of common goods and against commodification
2.3 Plenary 3 – Food sovereignty
2.4 Plenary 4 – Energy and Extractive Industries
2.5 Plenary 5 – Work: For Another Economy and New Paradigms for Society
3 What is at stake at Rio+20
4 Come to reinvent the World at Rio+20
The social and popular movements, trade unions, people, civil society organizations and environmental organizations from around the world present at the People’s Summit at Rio+20 for Social and Environmental Justice experienced in the camps, mass mobilizations and debates the building of convergences and alternatives, conscious of the fact that we are the subjects of another type of relationship among human beings and between humankind and nature, tackling the urgent challenge of curbing the new phase of capitalist recomposition and building, through our struggles, new paradigms for society.
The People’s Summit is a symbolic moment in a new cycle of the trajectories of global struggles, giving rise to a new convergence among movements of women, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, youth, family and peasant farmers, workers, traditional peoples and communities, defenders of the right to cities and religions from around the world. The assemblies, mobilizations and the massive People’s March were the most powerful expressions of this convergence.
The multilateral financial institutions, coalitions at the service of the financial system such as the G8 and G20, the corporate capture of the UN and the majority of governments demonstrated irresponsibility toward the future of humanity and the planet by promoting the interests of corporations at the official conference. By contrast, the vitality and power of the mobilizations and debates at the People’s Summit strengthened our conviction that only the people, organized and mobilized, can free the world from the control of corporations and financial capital.
* Document in PDF