II Hemisferic Meeting, La Havana, Cuba

Calendar and other activities

2002-12-17 00:00:00


January 4 to 6. National Farmworkers Assembly, CLOC- Chile

January 17 to 19. Pan Amazonian Social Forum, Belen Do Pará, Brazil

January 20 to 22. South Jubilee Global Meeting, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

January 21to 23. World Farmworkers Assembly, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

January 23 to 28. World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

January, 2003. Workshop on Alternative Media, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

February 7 to 14. Plebiscite on the FTAA, Haiti

February 10-14. Fifth International Meeting of Economists

Globalization and Development Problems, Havana, Cuba.

March 7. International Tribunal of Anti-FTAA Opinion,
Bogotá, Colombia

March 5 to 7. Central American Farmworkers Meeting, Honduras.

March. Protest days on the CAFTA Ministerial Meeting in San Salvador.

March. Forum on Biodiversity, Honduras.

March-April. World Meeting on Agrarian Reform and Gender, Bolivia.

March. Consultations against the FTAA, Ecuador.

March. Women's World Assembly on Agrarian Reform and Trade in Bolivia

March 8. International Women's Day: the women call for a mass march against
the FTAA

March 8 to June 24. National Consultation Against the FTAA, Peru

1st fortnight in April. Regional Meeting Against the FTAA.
April. National Agrarian Congress in favor of Land Tenure Rights, Colombia.

April. National Women Farmworker's Meeting, Colombia.

April 10-12. Peoples of the Americas Summit, Buenos Aires (to be confirmed)

April 17. World Day for Peasant Struggle.

April 17. Caribbean Farmworkers Against the FTAA Day

April. Andean Regional Meeting.

April. Plebiscite against the FTAA, Chile.

April 27 to May 1. "Globalize a Full Life" Continental Consultation on Faith,
Economics and Society

April. National Anti-FTAA and Alternatives Forum, Panama

May 1st. International Labor Day.

May 6-9. I Hemispheric Meeting against Militarization, Chiapas, Mexico.

May. Demonstrations in Puerto Rico for the Liberation of Vieques.

June. Continental Day for Respect of International Law. Legal Analysis of the

June. Third Biological & Cultural Diversity Week

June. Second Central American Forum Against Dams

June 5 to 7. Central America Social Encounter in Honduras; preparations in
all countries of the region

June 26. Solidarity with Cuba Day, commemorating the attack on the Moncada

July-August. Fifth Forum against the Panama Puebla Plan, Honduras.

August. Second Andean Forum of Rural Organizations, Peru.

August 20-24. Third Caribbean Peoples Assembly, Haiti.

August. March of the Poor Against the FTAA, Southern USA with hemispheric

September 10-14. Protest days against the WTO event in Cancun. Parallel

Week of continental-level activities in every country.

October. Via Campesina World Conference, Brazil.

October 8-12. Hemispheric Social Forum, Quito, Ecuador (to be confirmed)

October 12. Cry of the Excluded.

October 12. Peoples' Resistance Day

October 15. International Rural Women’s Day.
(November 16 or 3) Continental Day of Demonstrations against Militarization.

November. Protest days against the meeting of ministers negotiating the FTAA,
in Miami.

November 7 to 9. Encampment against the FTAA, Brazil.

November 17. International Students Day.

November 25 to 29. Building Women's Emancipation, Colombia

December. World Congress on Migration

November 25. Latin American Days on Preventing Violence Against Women, and Days Against the FTAA

Two-nation Meetings, Ecuador-Peru and Peru-Bolivia, 2003 (no date set for CLOC).


January 13 to 16. Third Hemispheric Meeting Against the FTAA, Havana, Cuba.

August. Fourth Assembly of the Convergence of Movements of Peoples of the Americas (COMPA).


Solidarity Event with/in Venezuela, organized by Evo Morales and supported,
among others, by the trade union and anti-militarist workshops and the
Christians' workshop.

Caribbean Event on the FTAA, duty-free zones and cross-border plants.

Boycott of products of the transnationals (Coca Cola, MacDonalds, GM foods).

Bus tour of the US to campaign for Economic and Social Human Rights, with the
participation of movements in the hemisphere opposing the FTAA and supporting
political, economic, social and cultural human rights.

Women Against Poverty world march.

Americas Campaign against the FTAA. March

- November.
Campaign against the use of toxic chemicals in agroindustrial processes.

Anti-FTAA Consultation in all the countries throughout 2003

Forum of Left-Wing members of Parliament

Local Authorities Forum.