Disability Caucus Intervention to WSIS Prepcom
Intervention on behalf of the Civil Society Disability Caucus to the PrepCom2 of WSIS II delivered on
25th February 2005 at Room XIX, Palais de Nations.
Re: Revised Chapter 2 of the Operational Part; WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/3-E Add.1(Rev.1)
People with d
Civil society reorganizing around content
At the second Preparatory Committee (or Prepcom) of phase
2 of the World Summit on the Information Society, taking
place in Geneva February 17-25, the different civil
society thematic caucuses are developing content in
response to a new phase of go
Statement to WSIS Plenary PrepCom 2, Geneva 18th February 2004
The following is the text delivered on behalf of the CRIS Campaign
by Claudia Padovani.
"Communication is a fundamental social process, a basic human need
and the foundation of all social organization. It is central to
the information socie
CRIS statement to Social Movements Assembly
CRIS Campaign statement for the Social Movements Assembly - FSM 2005
Communications is a core theme at this year's World Social Forum. It is a core theme because the demand for a better, more equitable communications environment is emergin
Fórum Panamazônico discute direito à comunicação e planeja ações conjuntas dos movimentos populares
A oficina “Comunicação para integração dos movimentos sociais” foi realizada no dia 21 de janeiro, das 14h00 às 18h00, no Colégio Brasileiro, como parte do Fórum Social Pan Amazônico. Nela, os seguintes grupos expuseram seu trabalho com comunicação popular
Seminario: en Campaña por el Derecho a la Comunicación
V Foro Social Mundial, Porto Alegre
JUEVES 27 DE ENERO, AULA D601, (traducción disponible)
8:30 PRIMERA SESIÓN: El Derecho a la Comunicación: Construyendo agendas
sociales para acción nacional. Dennis Smith (WACC), Moderador
¿Qué significa el der
Seminar: Campaigning for Communication Rights
5TH World Social Forum, Porto Alegre
THURSDAY 27th JANUARY, ROOM D601, (translation available)
8:30 FIRST SESSION: Communication Rights: Building social agendas for
national action. Dennis Smith (WACC), Moderator
What do communication rights mea
Seminaire: Faire Campagne pour les Droits a la Communication
V Forum Social Mundial, Porto Alegre
JEUDI 27 JANVIER, SALLE D601, (interpretariat disponible)
agendas des mouvements sociaux pour des actions nationales
Dennis Smith (
2004: Consolidación de la Campaña CRIS
pasados meses, desde nuestro último mensaje editorial,
estuvieron cargados de trabajo, actividades y novedades para la
Campaña de CRIS. La presencia de nuestros miembros
2004: Consolidation of the CRIS Campaign
past few months, since our last update, have been busy for the CRIS
Campaign. A number of events across the globe, participation at WSIS,
the development o
Ponencia el Encuentro por los Derechos de la Comunicación en las Américas
In the United States, we have had community media for many
years, but sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that we
who work in the sector own it or that the only threats to it
come from outside. It is with that in mind that I prepared
and pre
Communication Rights: A different communication is possible
Public letter from the Latin American Communication Networks
in support of the CRIS campaign
A different communication is posible
The communication organizations of Latin America that promote
communication rights, assembled in the c
WACC - Derechos a la Comunicación: Conceptos Básicos
Los derechos de comunicación se basan en los principios de
libertad, inclusión, diversidad y participación.
Por esa razón, la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación
Cristiana - WACC - (www.wacc-al.org
WACC - Curso de Direitos à Comunicação: Conceitos Básicos
O curso foi preparado pela Região América Latina da WACC -
World Association for Christian Communication (www.wacc-al.org
ou www.wacc.org.uk), a partir de documentos, discussões
Otra Comunicación es Posible
Carta pública de las redes latinoamericanas de comunicación en apoyo a la campaña CRIS
Las organizaciones latinoamericanas de comunicación que promueven los derechos de la Comunicación, reunidas en la ciudad de Quito en el marco del Foro Social d
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